The New Twenties Magazine

The New Twenties Magazine is a digital student-run publication out of Cornell University, focusing on art and literature of all kinds. Each semester from Fall 2020 to Summer 2021, the organization sought submissions to create a collection of work based on a particular theme. Starting in September 2020, I took on the task of designing and developing a website for the magazine and maintained it until July 2021.

Role: Designer and Front End Developer

Duration: 1 Year

Skills: Web Design, Wireframing, and WordPress Development
Tools: Figma, WordPress, HTML, and CSS

Website Wireframe

I first began designing the website for The New Twenties Magazine by creating a mid-fidelity, interactive wireframe on Figma based on branding elements, organization requirements and preferences, and basic design principles. As this is an alternative artistic publication, I employed creative methods of organization display for the content. Below is a video walkthrough of the finished wireframe.

Additionally, I have embedded the Figma file to view the individual aspects of the prototype.

WordPress Development

After finishing the prototype, I implemented its designs using the custom code feature on WordPress, using HTML and CSS to develop the website. I chose to omit certain aspects of the prototype in the developed website due to the project's timeframe and scope, as well as for functionality reasons. Below is a video walkthrough of the site.

Additionally, click here to view the live website.